It is school policy that teachers do not administer medication, including paracetamol, aspirin, etc. to students. If it is necessary for a child to take medicine on a medical practitioner's advice during school hours, please complete a
Medication Administration Request Form.pdf downloaded via this link or at the School Office. Parents/caregivers are then requested to send to their child’s teacher a note advising that medication needs to be taken whilst at school. The child must know how to administer the medication – school staff will only supervise this administration. Please refrain from sending medication requirements for more than the required period. Any medication brought to school will be stored in a locked drawer in the first aid area until it is required.
Administration of Medication
- All staff are encouraged to have a current Senior First Aid Certificate.
- Parents are requested to supply the school with all health and medication details on a Medication Administration Request Form supplied in the enrolment booklet. This includes current emergency contact details for both work and home. The school should be notified in writing of any change.
- Student MedicationAuthority Forms are available for completion when necessary.
- The Student Medical Record Form together with information supplied on a Student Medication Authority Form, will be made available to medical staff in the event of an accident.
- St Sebastian’s subscribes to Queensland Ambulance, which covers transportation of students and staff in the event of an emergency at or on the way to or from school.
- Any medication other than oral or topical must be administered by a parent or registered nursing service.
- Where a prescription medication is to be administered by a staff member, a Student Medication Authority Form signed by at least one parent, along with a letter from a medical practitioner must be provided or alternatively, the sighting of the prescription label affixed by a pharmacist detailing the appropriate dosage details and doctor’s name.
- Where non-prescription drugs are to be administered by a staff member, the same authority as in No. 3 above applies.
- Parents are requested to notify the school if their child is taking medication of any kind. Teaching staff should also be made aware of this as it could be a reason for changes in a child’s behaviour.
- Medication kept at school is stored in a locked storage facility.
- No medication is to be stored in/on children’s desks, school bags or person (excluding any approved by the Principal or delegated authority).
- Under no circumstances is medication to be shared.
- All administering of medication will be documented.
- Medication administered while on school camp/s will be witnessed by a minimum of 2 staff, where possible. This will be documented.
- With regard to infectious diseases, Health Department guidelines on incubation period/s and time required to be absent from school will be followed.
- With regard to head lice, children will be excluded from school until treatment in line with Health Department and Education Department guidelines has started.
- In the event of an accident or injury, teaching staff are permitted to use only ice, water, fresh saline solution, allergy free band-aids (non-latex gloves) and other bandages where necessary.
- Arrangements for asthma puffers will be as follows: Parents are requested to complete a Medication Form and provided a current asthma puffer to the school. This is kept in the Wellness Room and available to the student when required, as per the Medication Form. Parents are requested to regularly check on the expiration date of the asthma puffer.
Whilst all care will be taken and all reasonable assistance given, it should be noted that the responsibility for supply, storage and administering of any and all medication does not rest with St Sebastian’s School or school staff. Accordingly, no liability for supply and/or administering of medicines/medication will be accepted.